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We have complied the various real estate Contracts and Documents for your convenience. Please use them at your discretion and be advised that they do not replace legitimate legal counsel for the review of your real estate deals. We do not assume any legal responsibility for their use.

Contracts and Documents Image


An assignment of purchase agreement and sale is when a buyer of a new home sells a third party the right to assume the purchase contract. In this situation, the buyer is the assignor, and the third party is the assignee. Under the agreement, the assignee pays a higher price.

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Assignment of contract occurs when a party to an existing contract transfers the contract's legal obligations to another party.

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An offer to purchase (OTP) is the document governing the sale agreement of a property between the buyer and seller. It is a legally binding contract, so it is important to take your time and complete it accurately.

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An option to purchase agreement gives a home buyer the exclusive right to purchase a property within a specified time period and for a fixed or sometimes variable price. This, in turn, prevents sellers from providing other parties with offers or selling to them within this time period.

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An assignment of contract involves transferring a real estate contract from an original party (also known as the real estate wholesaler or assignor) to a new party (also known as the assignee). It is also referred to as an “Assignment of Real Estate Purchase and Sale” agreement.

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Miscellaneous Documents

A Lien Waiver is similar to a receipt. It basically states that you've paid the subcontractor what is owed, they accept the payment in full, and they waive the right to put a lien on your property.

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A Deed of Trust or Trust Deed is a legal instrument which is used to create a security interest in real property wherein legal title in real property is transferred to a trustee, which holds it as security for a loan between a borrower and lender.

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A Rental Application is a form that landlords and property managers use to request detailed information from potential renters. The information provided in a rental application helps property owners determine if you're going to be a safe and responsible tenant before they offer you a lease agreement.

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A termination of tenancy is different than an eviction. A termination is the landlord ending the rental agreement and asking the tenant to vacate the rental unit. ... An eviction is the actual court process and lawsuit to have a tenant removed from the property if they fail to leave.

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A general power of attorney allows the attorney-in-fact to make personal and business decisions. ... A durable power of attorney or enduring power of attorney is important because it allows the attorney-in-fact to make decisions on behalf of a person if they become incapacitated.

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